Barton Springs Conservancy was formed in 2014 to work with key Barton Springs stakeholders to identify and support projects to benefit Barton Springs. Initial efforts focused on establishing fundraising capacity and providing community input to complete the Barton Springs Bathhouse Rehabilitation project called for in the 2008 Barton Springs Master Plan and partially funded by the 2012 Bond Package.
Through the community input process, a number of facility improvement and education projects have been identified and our For the Love of the Springs Campaign was born.
Currently funded projects include the Zilker Park Gatepost Restoration project to restore the historic entrance gateposts at the north entrance to Barton Springs Pool. In addition, Barton Springs Conservancy partnered with the City of Austin and Parks and Recreation Department to raise at least $8 million in public and private funds for a facility rehabilitation and renovation of the Historic Barton Springs Bathhouse Rehabilitation as called for in the 2008 Barton Springs Master Plan, along with $1.3 million private and public funding for new exhibits to be included in the rehabilitated Historic Barton Springs Bathhouse.
Barton Springs Conservancy honors, preserves, and enhances the experience of Barton Springs for everyone through education and park improvements.
Barton Springs is the soul of Austin that draws us together, links us to nature, and must be protected for future generations.
The Conservancy’s For the Love of the Springs Campaign focuses on the following projects: the restoration of the historic Gateposts on William Barton Dr, the rehabilitation of the historic Barton Springs Pool Bathhouse, and the creation of a Visitor Education Center for Zilker Park.

The Conservancy shares both plans and results of these projects as widely as possible, including park patrons, donors, supporters, and friends. In addition, many organizations work for and support Barton Springs and Zilker in a myriad of critical ways, and Barton Springs Conservancy is proud to work with them. Thank you to our neighbors doing great work in the Barton Springs and Zilker Park area: Austin Parks Foundation, Austin Nature Science Center, Friends of Barton Springs Pool, Hill Country Conservancy, Save Our Springs Alliance, Save Barton Creek Association, The Trail Foundation, Umlauf Sculpture Garden, Zilker Botanical Garden Conservancy, and Zilker Hillside Theatre.
The Conservancy works with these entities within Zilker to collectively support environmental stewardship and education, provide better service to park patrons, collaborate, share information and resources, eliminate duplication of services, and provide greater stewardship to donors who support the area.
The Conservancy also provides educational programming and will include these groups in this effort as speakers/presenters and/or participants.